Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007
Acadia NP/Bar Harbor, ME
July 20-25, 2007 - Days 5-10 on the road. Part III. |

This being an island on the coast of Maine, the weather can be a little variable. I was hiking Ship Harbor along the shore on a rather overcast day and the surf was acting up a little.

Meanwhile, several miles and about an hour away, the Southwest Harbor is calm and the skys are blue . . . !

Here it's early in the morning on the Park Road overlooking Bar Harbor. The islands you see are Bar Island in the mid-ground and the four Porcupines - Burnt, Long, Sheep and Bald.

Surf at Sand Beach - the only sand beach on Mount Desert Island. This photo is misleading though - I've isolated some surf action on a small part of the beach - see later photos for perspective.

Sand Beach. I took the photo of the surf in the far corner of the beach. Here, I'm a hundred feet or so over the beach on Great Head.

Here's the hiking trail up the side of Great Head. The total distance of the hike is only about 1.5 miles, but the first half mile or so is a scramble.

Another view of Sand Beach from Great Head. See those little white dots in the water? Those are bouys marking lobster pots. They're all over the place and in some cases, are only feet from the shore.

A shot looking from Great Head toward Otter Point. The surf's up and the sky's blue . . . !

A little surf bashing the rocks.

More surf bashing the rocks. I think I like shooting the surf . . . !