Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007
Moncton, New Brunswick
July 30 - Aug 3, 2007 - Days 15-19 on the road. Part IV. |

In between Cape Enrage and Hopewell Rocks, I found this nice little church.

The tidal flats at New Horton.

And at Riverside, yet another . . .

Partially restored rolling stock.
I've been to a lot of these "Railroad Museums" and they all have a tough row to hoe. For the most part, the people who put these together love railroads and do most of the work on a volunteer basis - with maybe a little financial help from the local government to try to build a tourist attraction. The rolling stock is mostly donated by the railroads - clearing out junk and they can take a write-off on income tax. |

More rolling stock.

This "museum" did have some interesting stuff. This -- if you haven't guessed by now -- is a snow plow.

This unit -- behind the snow plow -- has a metal plaque calling it, "No. 114, O F Jordan Co, Spreader, Flanger, Scraper, Bank Builder and Snow Plow." It appeared that those huge steel plates on the side were hinged and could swing out and up to move dirt, gravel and snow. Who'd of thunk it.

A crane.

This engine was inside a large shed along with one other steam engine, a couple old diesels and some other rolling stock. The shed was dark with a row of small windows high above the floor. This was a time exposure - I was in a railroad car next to the engine and braced on a window ledge - no tripod. It took a couple tries and a bit of Photoshop to get a decent shot.

Memorabilia inside another shed.

More memorabilia. Notice the railroad crossing sign in french.
All-in-all a nice collection and worth the stop. One of the better Railroad Museums. |
"The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see." -- G.K. Chesterton |