Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007

Moncton, New Brunswick
July 30 - Aug 3, 2007 - Days 15-19 on the road. Part II.

The Bay of Fundy is host to some of the most extreme tides in the world. In some places, the difference between high and low tide is 35 feet. It's been calculated that in a single 24 hour period, the Bay of Fundy exchanges more water than that put out by all the rivers in the world combined.

Hopewell Rocks are "flowerpot" rocks erroded by the force of the exteme tides. Here you can see them at low tide.

And six hours later at high tide!!

More at low tide.

Wandering around on the ocean floor! The dark green is sea grass.

A popular attraction. More sea grass too.

The stairway to the flats.

Weird formations.

The Sea Grass that covers a lot of the seabed.

A view out to the bay.

Another coastal view.

"It is not down in any map; true places never are." -- Herman Melville

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