Daytrips - York County Hot-Air Balloon Festival, June 16-18, 2006, Page 4

Pretty colorful . . !

Getting ready for a "Glow" this pilot is filling up his balloon with hot air.

So what's a "Glow?"

See the next shots . . .

A "Glow" is when the balloons sit tethered to the ground after dusk and the pilots light them up with the burners . . !!
More Glows.
This one is setting up just after the sun went down.
More of 'em . . !!

The Bloomin' Balloon under glow . . !!

A bunch of 'em . . !

Even closer . . !!
Right under 'em . . !

And that's the end folks . . !!

If this interests you and you want to attend, keep you eye on for more info.
The event is yearly at about the same time every year - the middle of June.

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