Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007

Baddeck, Nova Scotia
August 6-11, 2007 - Days 22-27 on the road. Part III.


Half-way back on the hard trail looking north along the Gulf of St Lawrence coast.

And a shot inland at the Cape Breton Highlands. You can get lost up here. I had mentioned earlier that the habitat reminded me of Alaskan tundra - well, on the way back I saw a moose - rare elsewhere in Cape Breton, they are apparently common here. This one was a young bull moose - maybe a year old. I took a couple pictures of it but none were worth reproducing here.

The obligatory dead tree. I like dead trees. I don't know why - maybe something about giving after death.

Ok! I'm ready for lunch!

The Rusty Anchor at Pleasant Bay.

No I didn't have lobster, but I did have snow crab - on the patio.

Somewhere south of Ingonish I found this "beach." Only the hardy get in the water here - I dipped my feet in the water and couldn't feel them again for an hour.

This little spit of land in the middle of the picture is a ferry landing. This is a short-cut that skips part of the lower end of the Cabot Trail. The ferry crossing is all of 200 yards at the most and once you board, you're offloading 5 minutes later.

A bridge on route PH105 over Big Bras D'Or, the major channel between the lake and the Atlantic.

Big Bras D'Or - the Atlantic on the horizon.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance." - Anonymous

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