Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007

Pictou, NS
Aug 3-6, 2007 - Days 19-22 on the road. Part II.


Woodwork in the Captain's cabin. Nice wood and nice work.

The view out the door of the Captain's cabin.

The ship's bell. The blue hunk of wood is part of the capstan used to winch up the anchor. Long poles are put in the holes and are used as levers to rotate the capstan.

The pointy end of the boat.

The main deck.

Sooo, ok. What's wrong with this picture? Can't tell? Well look at the mast in the center - which should be the mainmast. Looks a little short doesn't it? Well, that's what happens when you have no lightning protection. In late June a thunderstorm rolled through, threw down a couple bolts of lightning, and that mast being the highest point on the waterfront, sucked 'em right in. They were lucky the strike didn't sink the ship. As it stands, the entire mainmast needs replacement. Not only was the top blasted off, the mast was split in several places it's entire length.

More Pictou waterfront. This is the replica lighthouse and the building is a working lobster hatchery open to the public.

The Pictou harbor. As you can see, it's a little rough in the harbor - the weather's not the best with heavy overcast and high winds.

"Travelers never think that they are the foreigners." -- Mason Cooley

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