Ken's Journal
No. 6 - Summer 2007
St Martins, New Brunswick
July 26-30, 2007 - Days 11-15 on the road. Part II. |

I left the market and walked the downtown a little. This is Kings Square. A few blocks to the south is Queens Square.

Sit. Stay.
The Trinity Church Between Charlotte and Germain Streets. There are a lot of churches in Canada. I'm not sure what that means, but you'll see more pictures of churches later. Most are well kept and most are worth the stop for a picture. |

A church of a different kind - found in a back alley.

The sign in the front says,
"If it doesn't feel good, it's not worth doin'." Just imagine!
St John hosts the New Brunswick Museum, a nice museum of the natural and human history of New Brunswick.
You can find more info here. |

Lobster Pot and history. Actually, I've found people along the shore using this older type pot - see later pic.

More inside the museum. Very nicely done.

Detail of a propeller pitch control.

Boat Building was a big business along the coast - timber was plentiful.
So on the way home to St Martin I saw a sign for a covered bridge and thought it might be a nice photo opportunity. There are a lot of covered bridges in the Maritimes - this one turned out to be not worth the trip. But I did run across this opportunity. A lobster boat at dock - and at low tide. The far dock has a pile of the older wooden lobster pots - which are being replaced with the more durable and cheaper wire pots. It looks like a lot of the lobster men, converting from the wooden pots to the wire pots, are selling the wooden ones to "Antique" dealers for sale to the public. I've seen a lot of them for sale.
We're in a low spot between two headlands and the fog is collecting!! Time to get going!! |
"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." -- Robert Louis Stevenson