Ken's Journal
No. 4 - Summer 2004

Yellowstone, Wyoming - 08/10 - 08/18/2004
Days 45-53 on the road. Part V.


Yellowstone Maps.

  Each map covers about 60 miles by 60 miles, or 3600 square miles.
  Small, 200 Kbytes. Large, 912 Kbytes.
The cataracts coming into the Upper Falls. The Upper Falls mark the beginning of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. This magnificent canyon is 20 miles long, 800 to 1200 feet deep and 1500 to 4000 feet wide. The Upper Falls plunge 109 feet into the canyon and the Lower Falls plunge 308 feet. This picture was taken from the Upper Falls Overlook on the north rim. This is an easy walk from the parking area.

The cataracts leaving the Lower Falls. This picture was taken from Artist Point on the south rim. This is also an easy hike from the Artist Point parking lot.

This is the classic picture of the Lower Falls taken from Artist Point - this picture is a cliché. The falls have been photographed so many times from this very spot that there is a depression worn in the concrete walk by the many footsteps taken here.
A mule deer grazing just behind the tree-line next to the parking lot for the South Rim Trail.

Buffalo (Bison) on the range along the road from Canyon to Fishing Bridge.
A bull Bison taking a dust bath. At this point I was stuck in traffic waiting to pass through a road construction area. Believe it or not, the bison heard was crossing the road right at the construction area, further slowing the traffic
This bad-boy was rapidly approaching my Jeep just as I started moving in traffic - I was steering with my left hand and had the camera in my right hand - he was about four feet away.

The view across Yellowstone Lake from Lake Butte - a promontory some 615 feet above the lake located about 10 miles east of Fishing Bridge. On the far left in the background you can see the Tetons. At this point, they are some 50 miles away. The mist is a combination of early morning ground fog and smoke from a smoldering forest fire on the south end of the Lake.

Another view from Lake Butte, west across Yellowstone Lake.

A view from Holmes Point across Mary Bay on Yellowstone Lake.
  Next, Yellowstone - Part VI.

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