Ken's Journal
No. 4 - Summer 2004

Yellowstone, Wyoming - 08/10 - 08/18/2004
Days 45-53 on the road. Part III.


Yellowstone Maps.

  Each map covers about 60 miles by 60 miles, or 3600 square miles.
  Small, 200 Kbytes. Large, 912 Kbytes.
Iron Spring Creek again. This time looking at Cliff Geyser. The geese seem to get along pretty well with the water and the geysers. They don't even take notice.

Emerald Pool at Black Sand Basin.
A view of the whole of Black Sand Basin with Iron Spring Creek flowing through the middle.
I believe this is Shell Geyser at Biscuit Basin. This one doesn't erupt much, it just boils and bubbles.


Some of the flow off Biscuit Basin. This looks pretty nasty, but it's all bacteria of various types.
More bacteria. Very colorful!

One of the free-ranging elk herds in the park. This was along the road from Old Faithful to Madison.

Surprise Lake on Firehole Lake Drive - almost looks like snow. . .
Geysers at Fountain Paint Pot. That's Spasm Geyser in the foreground and Clepsydra Geyser in the background.

Give up? It's a shot of shallow water rippling over a rocky bottom. The algae-like bacteria on the bottom gives it the color and the sun shining at an oblique angle gives it the sparkle. This was taken just off Firehole Lake Drive.
  Next, Yellowstone - Part IV.

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