Ken's Journal
No. 4 - Summer 2004

Cheyenne Frontier Days, Cheyenne WY - 07/25 - 07/30/2004
Days 29-34 on the road. Part IV.

  Barrel Racing. A cloverleaf pattern is run using three barrels. There are 96 contestants entered and the 12 fastest will compete in the finals. The record holder ran in 17.03 seconds. The winner last year took home $15,000.
  For one event, the Wild Horse Race, I shot no good pictures because the event started on the far side of the arena. This was the most hilarious event I saw! It is just what it says it is - a wild horse race. There were 45 teams of three men each competing. Wild horses - this is the first time they've been captive, much less in an arena being handled by humans - are haltered and led, dragged, pushed or whatever it takes, to the teams. The rider, assisted by the mugger and a shankman must saddle the wild horse and ride once around the racetrack in the proper direction to the finish line. There is a six minute time limit after the gun is fired - absolute chaos - horses everywhere!
  Indian Dancers from the Wind River Reservation. These people put on several shows each day and stayed in a small, traditional Indian Village they set up at the rodeo. The Wind River Reservation is west of Cheyenne just to the east of Glacier National Park.

 A typical chuck wagon setup. The competition is cooking coffee, beans and biscuits or muffins - whatever secret recipe you've invented is fair - but everything has to be prepared in period kitchenware and in the period fashion - over fire.
  There were a couple dozen entrants and I tried the fare from all of 'em. They were all good but this one I thought had an edge - this team had fixed blueberry muffins - excellent!!
  "In the beginning," CFD used to feature a chuck wagon race. Today, these vintage rigs are far to valuable to risk any kind of damage. All of them are trailered in.

Next, Mount Rushmore SD.


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