Ken's Journal
No. 4 - Summer 2004

Cheyenne Frontier Days, Cheyenne WY - 07/25 - 07/30/2004
Days 29-34 on the road. Part II.



Actually, the cowboy is a bit behind the horse and out of danger. Unlike with a bull, if a horse hurts you after you're down, it was an accident. A horse will not intentionally go after the rider - a bull will.

This is Saddle Bronc Riding - a highly modified saddle is used.

The rider must have his spurs over the point of the horse's shoulders when the horse leaves the chute and ride for eight seconds without touching horse or saddle with the free hand, losing a stirrup, or being bucked off to qualify. This event is scored similar to bull riding - points for the horse and points for the rider.

There are 112 contestants entered in Saddle Bronc and the top 12 will compete in the finals. The top winner at CFD last year took home $13,600.


This fool is riding Bareback Bronc -  

  So is this one -
  There's no saddle, there's no stirrups. The rider has to start the same way as the Saddle Bronc rider with his spurs over the points of the horse's shoulders when the horse leaves the chute. He has to ride for eight seconds without touching the horse or being bucked off.

There are 112 contestants entered in Bareback Bronc and the top 12 will compete in the finals. The top winner at CFD last year took home $13,300.


Bareback Bronc again. This cowboy keeps going and going . . .  
  . . . and going . . .

. . . and makes his eight seconds. So how do you get off a bucking horse? This is how. A pick-up rider comes up along-side and you jump over to his horse and then slide off gently (relatively).

The pick-up riders then herd the horse out of the arena after snatching the bucking strap from the back of the horse. Just like on the bulls, the bucking strap is pulled up tight just as the chute opens and causes the horse to buck. (You'd buck too if your belt slipped down a few inches and someone snatched it up tighter a few holes or so!!)


Next, CFD Part III.


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