Ken's Journal - Spring 2003
Tuesday, 06/24/03, Day 6. I arrived at an RV park about 10 miles west of Bar Harbor ME on RT 3. I plan on being here for at least seven nights - perhaps longer. Anyhow, I made a quick, short tour of part of the Acadia Park Loop road today and realize that seven days here might not be enough to see everything in the park - much less everything outside the park but still on Mt Desert Island - much less everything in northern Maine!! Wednesday, 06/25/03, Day 7. I hiked some of the rocky headlands around Otter Point, Monument Cove and Sand Beach - all stops on the Acadia Park Driving Loop. I went outside the park to Southeast Harbor and Bass Harbor. I hiked the Ship Harbor Nature Trail near Bass Harbor and visited the Bass Harbor lighthouse on Bass Harbor Head. Today was just a scouting trip to see what was out there and when would be the best time for photos. Early morning would be best for all those, so I'll be up before dawn tomorrow. According to the local tide table, the tide will be high at about 9:30 am - that would be good too. |
Here's my picture of the Bass Harbor Lighthouse. This has to be the most photographed lighthouse in Maine - it's been on so many calendars and so many magazines, it's become a cliché. So, here's my version of the cliché! I'll have to make it to this one at sunrise and sunset too. It is still an operating lighthouse - all automatic of course. Originally built in 1858 to mark the bar across the eastern entrance of Blue Hill Bay, the grounds and residence are now the private residence of the Commander, US Coast Guard Group, SW Harbor. The whole operation is fenced off and is not accessible to the public except by paths to the beaches - such as they are. . . |
Here's a Gull I stalked for a while -- This is your basic Herring Gull, Larus argentatus - stretch him out, and he's about 2 feet long with a wingspan close to 5 feet. That beak will take off a finger! Judging by the plumage, this one is a breeding adult at least 4 years old. |
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